Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday typos, 31 Oct 2015

I was completely disoriented this week due to exam pressures. Last night I put in a lot of reading time at the expense of my video viewing hours. :-) I was preparing for our mock bar exams for Labor and Political Law which I was dead sure would have been this morning. But the rooms were all locked when I arrived 30 minutes late for the schedule.  I found out that the exams would still be on November 7. Now I was getting alarmed. Did I miss something else? Yes, I missed the final exams for my Practicum II and Practice Court which were given yesterday evening. :-(

It's good that our Professor for thesubjects- Atty. Gen. Fritz Quiñanola (yes, he is fondly called Atty. Gen. because he is a retired General of the former Philippine Constabulary, and a lawyer) - agreed to give me a special exams at his office. He said he woulod order Jolibee food to make me oriented to the answers. Hallelujah, as he would often exclaim in class.

So, here's some typos for today from the San Beda 2014 Memory Aid for Labor Law:

Page 27,

Page 72,

Page 83,

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Busy weekend

No posting yesterday and today. Our mock bar was scheduled for today and was suddenly postponed. We were informed of the postponement yesterday only. So there, more time for video viewing. :-)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Policeman's mother living above a drug den?

I thought I have nothing to post today. But while taking a break from my lawbooks by surfing the internet for news, I came across this on the Sun Star:

See here for the complete news.

No posting today

Tomorrow begins our finals. And there are the mock bar exams. So no posting.

But there will always be time for videos of old movies. As Dr.-Lawyer Pat Belciña, our prof in Political Law, is wont to say: "A happy mind is a learning mind."

My former professor in legal research, and statutory construction, Atty. Jenny Aclan, who was a 4th placer in the bar, would advise us to get a life and enjoy a movie.

 So be it.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday typos, 10 October 2015

I'm going back through Paras' Civil Code of the Philippines Annotated, Vol. II, 2008 Ed. for our civil law review in Property.

Here's a few gleanings for this weekend.

On page 208,

That's supposed to be a Latin word. See the Law Dictionary for the correct spelling, and the meaning.

On page 220,

This time it is Spanish, I am sure. The correct spelling of the word, and the meaning of the phrase is here.

In an older post I observed how Paras and De Leon were half-right (or half-wrong) in their quotation of another Latin phrase.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Family obligation beckons

I am supposed to be at the special class on Succession by Atty. Atup today at 2PM. But my son called me from Ayala that he needs "extraction." You can read about the special case of my son here. Family obligation trumps all.

Anyway, I feel I have enough stock knowledge from Prof. Almase. Just a little brush up from Atty. Atup, and I'll be fine.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday typos, 3 October 2015

From the Bedan Red Book 2015:

Page 225,

Page 327,

Check out the source book if you are not sure.

Page 435,